Honoka (ホノカ) also known as Uriu (ウーリゥ) is the personal servant to the Mikado and Anju. She is also the mother of Uruuru & Saraana and the High Priestess. She was created by the DNA of Mito's wife, whereas Anju was created by the DNA of Chii, Mito's daughter, making them biologically mother and daughter.
Honoka has platinum blonde hair and wearing miko clothing.
Honoka is a calm but strict woman who is quick to chastise others when they don't follow the rules.
Honoka was born from the genetic basis of Mito's deceased wife.
When Oshtor was about to be killed by Mayacowl, Honoka rescued him and drove Mayacowl off. She then introduced Oshtor and his group to the Mikado.
Years later, Haku meets her and subconsciously remebers her as being his sister-in-law. When the Mikado appeared to be assassinated, she went missing with no one knowing where she went. As it would later turn out, the Mikado lived the assassination and was being healed underneath the mausoleum, with Honoka caring for him. When Amaterasu was activated to wipe out the escaping horde of tartari, honoka stayed with the Mikado and died.
Lost Flag[]
A Marebito Honoka made an appearance in Lost Flag. She first appeared in the forest near the small village that would come to known as Raiko's village and was rescued by Raiko.
Anju - Despite the two's genetic material being based on a mother and her daughter, the two don't have a mother-daughter relationship with each other. Honoka is moreso a strict teacher or attendant to Anju.
Emperor of Yamato - She is very loyal to him. She is very protective of him whenever things go awry, as seen in Monochrome Mobius. During her death, she confesses that she has come to love him, despite not feeling that way at the start. The Mikado apologises for not recognising her affection sooner.
Yumir - Her twin sister, they used to be together all the time just like the twins, but she died not long after Honoka became the Kamunagi of Chains. In Lost Flag, the two get to have a bloody reunited as Yumir's unstable emotions cause her to attack her sister. Post Yumir's accident, the two are seen to be very close albeit a little bit awkward for Yumir.
- In Lost Flag, her outfit in Dazzling Dance version is the dress she used to wore when she was about the same age as Uruuru & Saraana which is now a little too small for her. This lead to a lot of hilarious events such as Vurai of all people comment that she is "cute", her twins daughter feel unease and embarrassed for the first time in life then Yumir show up in her swimsuit because she's trying to match with Honoka's outfit. Honoka then ask the three to take a walk as a family, Yumir begin her sis-con self agree to go along with her, causing the twins to scream in agony.