Utawarerumono Wiki

Rulutieh (ルルティエ) was the youngest princess of Kujyuri and the daughter of Ozen, one of the Eight Pillar Generals. While traveling with Ukon's group of mercenaries to the imperial capital as a messenger for her country, she met Haku and Kuon when they joined the group during the journey. She was always accompanied by an abnormally large Hororon bird named Cocopo, and remained in the capital with Haku's group in order to cure her timid personality.


Rulutieh was small and frail-looking, with long black hair and ruby eyes, ears resembling an Ezo squirrel's, and a long, fluffy tail. She preferred to wear a white and black kimono, with a red sash keeping it together at the waist. Near her ears are pink bows, and her sweeping sleeves are the same color. The hair by her eyes was braided partway down, leaving the rest unbraided to flow freely.


Rulutieh was shy and timid and could barely speak her mind in front of strangers. She cared for everyone's safety and wished for them not to get hurt, even going as far as warning Moznu's thieves about Cocopo during an attempted holdup. She fainted easily over anything that worried her. She was scared of fighting and did not like killing; she had Cocopo defend her instead. Her personality was the result of years of coddling from her family members, particularly from her sister, Shis.

She had a passionate love for reading about love between men (BL; "boys' love") and was an expert artist.

In an alternate Future Yamato timeline, after Tiseriri was born, Rulutieh's had overcome her timid personality becoming a strong mother in her own right. Even after losing her body, she retains her caring and supportive personality.


Lost Flag[]

Three version of Rulutieh make an appearance in Lost Flag.

  • Marebito Rulutieh - She is one of Akuta's acquaintances. Her role is similar to trilogy, playing the support role to her friends but her relationship with Akuta is more in platonic sense. When Haku become a temporary Marebito, she has the same encounter with him as in Mask of Deception. The two then get to make the candies together as part of Haku's odd job, Haku eventually give her tips to complete her counterpart of "Lulu Candy" before he went back to his world.
  • Shucre - Rulutieh's alternate timeline counterpart and one of Lord Mashiro's followers.

Rulutieh's Spirit Form

  • Future Rulutieh - Appears in an alternate Future Yamato timeline. She is currently run a Merchant Chirimen with her daughter, Tiseriri. Rulutieh in this timeline lost her body due to certain incident in the past but her soul still exist. Her current body is said to be in the Astral Realm which is her daughter's goal to find the way bring her body back. In a spirit form, she reside in Tiseriri's Hand Device and is able to temporary projecting her original form but it's tired her out and need to rest afterward.


Haku - Rulutieh began developing some feelings towards Haku from the day of their first meeting but never realized that she has been seeing Haku in a romantic way until she was told that Haku had apparently died in a confrontation against Vurai. Every time Haku gives a compliment about her, she always blushes and becomes quiet. She also becomes jealous if other girls are wanting Haku’s attention more than her, usually from Saraana & Ururuu.


Young Rulutieh and Cocopo

Cocopo - A large Hororon bird which she considered to be her closest friend and family. They have been together since young.

Atuy - Her fellow princess and friend, Atuy was the first to witness Rulutieh's desires, which she found unsightly and frightening.

Tiseriri - Her daughter with Haku in an alternate timeline, both are very close and share the same hobbies. Unlike Haku who is overprotective of their daughter, Rulutieh chooses to give her daughter a personal space but remain supportive of what her daughter want to do. She is also shown to be quiet strict as she scolds her for reading a book while lying down on the the floor as a bad habit or not allows her daughter to read an adult BL novel as it's still too early for her.

Abilities & Equipment[]

  • Yaana Mauna (Mother of the Forest) - Rulutieh has an ability to understand animal's thoughts
  • Family Flute
  • Spirit Form - In an alternate future timeline, Rulutieh spirit's form gains many abilities associated with her ghost-like state such as flying, telekinesis and phasing object. She can also projecting her original form which give her offensive spells, she can also enrage her body in which she use to scares people or use herself as a shield to protect the others.


  • She likes seeing or reading about love between men (BL; "boys' love").
  • She is very skilled at drawing.
  • She is also a great cook.
  • In Mask of Truth, she is the first of Haku's group to discover his secret identity.
  • Rulutieh was apparently a very weak child when she was young, easily getting sick from the most feeble of things or scraping her knees when running. Her family members are overprotective of her well-being to this day, though her brother, Yashmah, and father have eased up a bit.
  • In her spirit form, while she can lifts a smaller object with her telekinesis, she can't do activities that's required to be more delicate or precise such as cooking.
  • In game, Future Rulutieh has a skill that allows her to create a barrier with 8966 durability, The 8966 number can be punny read as "Haku-Ruru"

