Uitsualnemetia (ウゥツアルネミテア) is a being of godlike power, worshipped in fact as the Onkami, or Great God, of the religion centered around Onkamiyamukai, but split by his dual nature; at the time of the Rise of Tuskur, Hakuowlo embodies the more benevolent half and Dii the darker. Both halves of the god are eventually reunited and sealed away to prevent interference.
During the events of Mask of Truth, Haku would become the new Onkami, allowing Hakuowlo to become mortal in the process.
Uitsualnemetia is a bulky, dragon-like being, as large as if not larger than an Abh-Kamu. The back, legs, face and arms are primarily composed of what appears to be a hard exoskeleton (Hakuowlo's is white while Dii's is black). Uitsualnemetia's back and shoulders are disproportionally large, giving him a somewhat hunchbacked appearance. His arms and legs are similar, with the exoskeleton being much larger than the skin and muscles of his arms.
Said skin and muscles are primarily a dark blue colour, massive and size, and extremely prominent.
His face and chin are both pointed, with antennae like horns sticking behind his head.
According to the teachings of the Onkamiyamukai priests, which is the most popular tradition in Tuskur, Onvitaikayan was a cruel deity justly deposed by "the liberator," Uitsualnemetia. The other tradition, which is practiced only by the Shakukopolu of Kunnekamun, reveres Onvitaikayan as their Great Father who protects his chosen people, and consequently they see Uitsualnemetia as a usurper and "god of misfortune."
In his good half embraced by Hakuowlo, Uitsualnemetia is protective, caring, and helpful to preserve peace among nations and let the world decide its own free will without him. His darker half by Dii demonstrates malice, destruction, and suffering in an effort to, through natural selection, lead the people to greater heights through direct interference.
Uitsualnemetia is worshipped as a god. Before Hakuowlo was found in the forest, it was this god that saved Aruruu's life. Hearing Eruruu's pleas for help when she found her dying sister in the forest, Uitsualnemetia offered to save the young girl, in exchange for a pact with Eruruu for her body and soul.
"You shall offer your very being. In return for this you shall offer me everything. From a strand of hair to your last drop of blood...and your pure, undefiled soul as well."
"Here with we have established our pact, I shall grant you your wish."
Uitsualnemetia happens to be one being separated into two parts. The first part being Hakuowlo, with no memory of his past or that he's a god, and Dii, the dark, shapeless side of Uitsualnemetia; created when Iceman became furious at the death of Mikoto and his child thus turning the human scientists into Tatari for their inhumane experiments in order to return to the surface. The two halves of the god are forbidden to fight each other due to their dual nature. Regardless, Hakuowlo decides to challenge Dii at the end of the series, and after a vicious battle where the two fight in their god forms and in which Hakuowlo loses an arm, he manages to defeat and fuse with Dii, once again uniting the god. In order to halt the bloodshed caused by Dii's actions, and to prevent future conflict, Hakuowlo (now the whole Uitsualnemetia) has Ulthury and Camyu seal him away before his darker side regains control. With this Uitsualnemetia now sleeps, sealed away such that neither side of the god can interfere with the world.
In Mask of Deception, he is not mentioned but his shadow is shown off the wall after Kuon slays her attackers, showing that Kuon has inherited some of the god's powers.
In Mask of Truth, Uitsualnemitea is met in two forms: as the Onkami laying in the Onkamiyamukai Subterrane Shrine that is visited by Oshtor, Kuon, Ulthury, and Eruruu and who takes the form of Hakuowlo behind the curtains; and the the darker half that possesses Kuon after she falls into despair following Haku's death. Uitsualnemitea's good half is eventually revealed to Haku in the afterlife, where he willingly accepts the mask from Oshtor and thus becomes the new Onkami, setting Hakuowlo free from his burden. Haku then returns and together, with Uruuru & Saraana and Ulthury and Camyu, work together to permanently seal away the darker half.
In Lost Flag, there is no mention or religion worships Uitsualnemitea in this setting, it's not until the appearance of Dii where the god name is first mention. However it's presence has actually been lurking in the background from the very beginning as Akuta's mask. It's not until an upcoming of Rite of Succession where the Liberator finally spoke to Akuta, he calls him a vessel and it's would be inconvenient if he died so he "help" him in defeating Orishiro. After defeating the unstable god herself, the Liberator returns all of Akuta's memories, combine with Minagi's near death condition, the reveal that Orishiro is in fact Ozuchi all along who also still has his unborn child inside her, believe he is the root of all problems, this finally made Akuta lost himself and turns into the black Uitsualnemitea.
- Hakuowlo: The first human incarnation. The main protagonist of Prelude to the Fallen.
- Black Emperor: The former Black God vessel, the leader of Black Wedges who was known as the Black God during the Great Wars many years prior to the start of Prelude to the Fallen.
- Dii: Former Black God vessel and the main antagonist of Prelude to the Fallen.
- Akuta: The main Protagonist of Lost Flag, a normal human whom the dark-half chose as its vessel before getting sealed away.
- Haku/Mashiro: The Protagonist of Mask of Deception and Mask of Truth. The final and current incarnation of the Onkami, he completely took over Hakuowlo's powers after the events of Mask of Truth.
Hakuowlo - The embodiment of Uitsualnemetia's good half. Hakuowlo decides to unite the darker half as well, thereby becoming the whole Uitsualnemetia. In a literal sense, Hakuowlo is now Uitsualnemetia. After passing the Mask to Haku though, he became a normal human again.
Dii - The embodiment of Uitsualnemetia's dark half. It is eventually united with Hakuowlo's good half.
Mutsumi - Uitsualnemetia's daughter. She attempted to destroy and seal her father upon his request but they both failed. She loves her father deeply and is very loyal to him. Mutsumi also regards any incarnation of her Uitsualnemetia as her father.
Kuon - Being Hakuowlo's daughter, she has inherited some of the god's power. His dark half would possess the sadden Kuon to manifest itself. But Haku freed her before sealing away the god for good. Kuon can still acess its power via her blood but refuses to use them as they would lead to the god trying to manifest itself.
Haku/Mashiro - After Haku died from overusing the Akuruka, he was given a second chance to live by Hakuowlo. After being revived he became the current host body for Uitsualnemetia and has full control over his new powers, freeing Hakuowlo from his burden.
Akuta - After granted his wish, a fragment of Uitsualnemitea would fuse with Akuta's face, creating a small black mask in which can't be removed.
Onvitaikayan/Tatari - Uitsualnemetia has a connection with humanity that would be worshiped as the Onvitaikayan. When they killed Hakuowlo's family, Hakuowlo used the Okami's power to turn them into red slime-like Tatari as their way to "grant their wish for immortality". After Haku becomes the new enbodiment of Uitsualnemetia, he then turn them into vegatation to free them from their curse.
Uitsualnemetia possesses a wide range of powers, in terms of both manipulating energy and matter. One such ability is to create and harness a black/red energy that extends out from his body. The purpose of this energy is two-fold; it serves as the means that Uitsualnemetia transforms into his god form and manipulate matter, and act as extension of Uitsualnemetia's body. It can be used as a makeshift arm, able to grab opponents and throw them around the battlefield. This particular power can be accessed in either Uitsualnemetia's human and god form, used by Hakuowlo transform, to stop an Abh-Kamu and during his battle with Dii.
Uitsualnemetia can also use his abilities to forcefully alter matter. When Aruruu was fatally injured or dead, Uitsualnemetia was able to heal her completely, which indicates unprecedented healing abilities due to the severity of Aruruu's injuries. His powers can also be used to transform organic beings into different forms, as seen when he converts most the last remaining human scientists into slime-like creatures as punishment for their inhumane experiments.

Uitsualnemetia can also regenerate his body and grow new bone or flesh to recover from devastating attacks. When his arm was torn off by Dii, Hakuowlo was able to create a sword out of the same material as his exoskeleton from the stump, strong enough and sharp enough to decapitate his evil counterpart.
Uitsualnemetia also has massive levels of raw power. Hakuowlo was stronger and faster than any Abh-Kamu during their skirmishes, able to effortlessly bring down even high-ranking soldiers piloting these constructs. He also possesses incredible durability, able to survive being shot by a satellite energy weapon from orbit, and survive with minimal, if any, damage.