Utawarerumono Wiki

Uruuru & Saraana (ウルゥル & サラァナ) are priestesses of Yamato and daughters of Honoka, the Mikado's personal servant. The Mikado bestowed these priestesses as a gift to Haku for saving his daughter, Anju (though in reality, Haku was his brother and as such he seemingly needed an excuse to give them to his brother)


Saraana has tan skin with white clothes and black edging and is the more loquacious of the two. Uruuru has pale skin and has black clothes with white edging and is the more taciturn. They both wear a similarly colored horned headband, matching dresses and go barefoot. Their physical characteristics are otherwise near-identical, including brownish eyes and white hair.


Neither appear to be bothered by the fact that they were given to Haku as a gift. They both swear their lives to him and have no problem doing anything he would ask of them. While they seem to behave similarly, there is a difference between them in the way they speak. Uruuru, the older sister usually speaks in short sentences and uses informal speech and even slang, while Saraana speaks in longer sentences and uses formal speech.


They are also called the Kamunagi of Chains. They are apparently the (foster)daughters of Honoka, who also has a horned headband. Because of their priestess training they can dance as well as use water and fire magic.


Haku- They are shown to be loyal to him.


  • Saraana is younger of the twins & Uruuru is older of the twins.
  • Saraana is typically depicted on the left, and Uruuru on the right. In Japanese, the kanji 左, which means "left," can be read as "sa," and the kanji 右, which means "right," can be read as "u," so this can be seen as a useful mnemonic to tell them apart—as long as they stick to their usual places.

