Yuzuha (ユズハ) is the little sister to Oboro who has been bedsick for most of her life. She is best friends with Aruruu and Camyu and the biological mother of Kuon.
Yuzuha has sleek navy blue hair that flows down to her waist. She wears a light orange robe with dark blue sleeves and a white scarf.
Yuzuha is a gentle hearted girl who is bedridden because of an unknown illness. Despite her debilities, her attitude is always cheerful and positive. She hates to let her poor health make her a burden.
Yuzuha is Oboro's little sister and a friend to Aruruu and Camyu. She has been very sick with an unknown illness all her life, and is blind. Although bedridden most of the time, her senses of smell and hearing have been whetted by her lack of sight, and enabling her to recognize a person by their scent or even the manner of their footsteps. Yuzuha possesses a gentle persona, which she made especially apparent when dealing with her older brother, and in the fact that she refuses to let an animal die in the hope of obtaining her disease's cure.
Sadly in the ending of the last episode (set unknown time after the events of the main series, but with the characters similar in age and appearance) she had passed away. Her brother Oboro visits her grave and brings the bell she likes. In the game, she's able to bear a healthy child by virtue of Hakuowlo's divine blood which can control her illness for some time. Oboro cares for the child in place of his late sister and leaves on a journey to show it the world.
Lost Flag[]
Yuzuha along with Oboro become Marebito, there they meet with the Marebito Kuon who immediately recognized both of them, however the sibling has no idea who Kuon is as they come from the different time point but mention Kuon to have the same scent as Yuzuha. Kuon however become conflicted to tell the truth. It's not until Yuzuha overhear Kuon discusses about her unease feeling of meeting her dead mother to Akuta and find out that Kuon is her daughter from different time and place. At the end of the story event, Yuzuha console Kuon and thanks her for begin born and wish that they can become friend.
Oboro - Her brother who takes care of her. She knows he means well for her health yet knows when he will take things too far as was the case with Gachatara's liver for medicinal purposes.
Hakuowlo - Yuzuha feels more relaxed and at ease whenever Hakuowlo is around. Because of this, her last wish was to have a child with him. Whether she had feelings for him or not is unknown. But in the visual novel, she confesses her love for him and asks for a child to be born from him. Hakuowlo complied and Yuzuha became pregnant with Kuon.
Kuon - Her biological daughter. It was her wish to have a child from Hakuowlo to leave a mark on the world for all she had experienced and thus gave birth to Kuon. She died giving birth when Kuon was still a baby, leaving her to be raised with love by everyone else.
- In an interview with Suga Munemitsu (the writer of the Utawarerumono series), he said that "Yuzuha didn't die from her sickness but from the strain of giving birth".
- Yuzuha is born with 4 element spirits inside her which most likely contributed to her illness. Kuon who inherits from her able to overcome the illness due to her divine blood as well as another Yuzuha, who just like her alternate self was bedridden until she was granted with a stronger vessel that are able to subdue the illness.